Books for the TBR Pile... 'Mostly Zombies' Edition

Hey everyone, how's it going? I'm halfway towards becoming vaccinated against Covid (I even have the little 'brave boy' sticker to prove it), just need to wait between three and twelve weeks for the next dose and then I'm done :o) I'm hoping that I'm preaching to the converted here but if you're asked to make an appointment for your vaccination, just do it. It's protecting you and people around you so it makes much more sense to get it done than not. But anyway, books. It's been a quiet week for books this week, mostly because I'm trying to concentrate on my TBR pile (which is too big now, it really is) but also because I'm trying to save a little money this month (not for anything specific, just to see what it feels like...) Books have been showing up though and the theme of the week is definitely 'Zombies'. Let me show you, I have a copy of 'The Rising' on Kindle (which is the definitive version) but really wanted one ...