
'The Desert of Souls' - Howard Andrew Jones (Head of Zeus)

I think I've done pretty well to get through this week, mixing work and blogging, but work has finally got the better of me... Oh well, it's a good job that I'm on leave next week isn't it? ;o) To cut myself a little slack then (something I'm trying to do a little more of here), I've enlisted the aid of my past self who very kindly agreed to let me use a review from an older blog today, just while I catch up with myself here. A little bit of 'Arabian Nights Sword & Sorcery' then ;o) The full review can be found over Here , all the important follow below... THE CHRONICLE OF SWORD & SAND: Baghdad, AD 790. Caliph Harun al-Rashid presides over the greatest metropolis on Earth, ruler of an empire that stretches from China to Byzantium. His exploits will be recorded in Alf Layla or, as we know it, The Book of One Thousand and One Nights. But The Thousand and One Nights are silent on the deeds and adventures that befell two of the Caliph's subjects:

Movies that I've watched recently...

I have managed to get some reading done, just not a lot of it... That TBR pile I showed you the other day?  It's still where I left it, looking all reproachful in my direction :o) Work has been relentless these last few days although I'm hoping that will calm down a bit now that I've got my year end review done and dusted. It went alright actually, thanks for asking ;o) This last week, or so, has been all about catching up on some movies once the work laptop goes off. I've watched a few now so figured it was about time that I bundled them all up together and served them to you, the reader, in this post. Here goes... 'Abigail' (2024) A gang of kidnappers sit tight and wait for confirmation that the ransom has been paid for the girl that they are holding captive. When vampires suddenly get involved, the morning has never seemed so far away... The 'twist' is in any number of trailers, on YouTube, but I'm going to try and stay away from spoilers here, ju

‘Predator: Big Game’ – Sandy Schofield (Titan Books)

It’s time to pay one final call on the ‘Predator’ Omnibus before I lend it to my daughter for a spot of ‘Summer Holiday Reading’. I think it’s the perfect book for reading in the sun, by the way, but I’ve got a feeling that you reached that conclusion long before I did. I’m always the last one to the party ;o) But anyway… I went into ‘Big Game’ with the scores level across the collection as a whole. ‘Concrete Jungle’ knew its job and did it well, ‘Cold War’ wasn’t bad but it didn’t really hit the heights that it was aiming for. ‘Big Game’ was going to tip the scales one way or the other then, which way would they fall…? Deep in the rugged New Mexico desert, a strange craft has landed and a Predator hunts for human prey. For Corporal Enoch Nakai, a Navajo soldier, it is a legend come back to life: the return of the horned monster who was destroyed by the hero Nayenezgani, the mythical monster slayer. Using the wisdom of his ancestors, Nakai will confront the Predator in a final battle

‘The Sun Dog’ – Stephen King (Hodder)

Page Count: 206 Pages ‘The Sun Dog’ can be found in the collection ‘Four Past Midnight’; it can also be found as an individual novella, part of the ‘Iconic Stories’ collection. I first read ‘The Sun Dog’ as part of ‘Four Past Midnight’ years ago, hiding in the school library so I didn’t have to go outside (a familiar tale). I came across it again… I can’t remember if I’m being honest. I’m sure there must have been a time when the ‘Iconic Story’ edition wasn’t on my shelf. All I know is that I came across it some time last month and figured it was way past time that I read it again. So, that’s exactly what I did ;o) It's mine - that was what he had thought when his finger had pushed the shutter-button for the first time. Now he found himself wondering if maybe he hadn't gotten that backward. Kevin Delevan wants only one thing for his fifteenth birthday: a Polaroid Sun 660. There's something wrong with his gift, though. No matter where Kevin aims the camera, it produces a

‘Litany of the Destroyer’ – Chaz Lebel

Page Count: 294 Pages This is going to be a quick(ish) post today; I’m on leave next week and that means I’m looking at somehow looking at fitting an extra week’s work into this week (before I down tools on Friday). It would almost be more relaxing to just not go on leave… Oh well :o) Just recently, I’ve been all about the comfort reading but I’m always on the lookout for something new and a chance conversation on ‘X’ pointed me at Chaz Lebel’s ‘Litany of the Destroyer’. A quick look at the blurb, along with ‘Litany’ featuring heavily on ‘Spells & Spaceships’ ( Review and Interview ) was enough to get me interested and clicking on the ‘Buy’ button. Alex knows what he is talking about and that was all I needed. A week later (give or take) and here I am, fresh from travelling with Galien and really keen to find out what happens next (luckily, I don’t think I have too long to wait until Book 2 comes along)… After a close encounter with a summoned demon, Sir Galien Banforth is left i

So I've screwed up commenting on the blog...

To cut a long story short... There was an old profile attached to this blog that was a leftover from a time when I almost created another blog (but didn't). It's been irritating me for a long time and I finally found a way to get rid of it so... despite all sorts of warnings, I went and did just that. Now I can't reply to anyone's comments or even leave a comment that isn't a reply. I should have left well alone, shouldn't I...? Work is looking to be pretty intense over the next week so I'm not going to be able to get to this right away. If I don't reply to a comment then, please don't be offended. I'm more than likely swearing at the screen while I try and figure out what to do next. You can always find me on 'X' or 'Blue Sky'. Or drop me an email, I like emails :o)

Movie Night! ‘Robo-Cop’ Edition

Even now (after countless viewings of the original trilogy), I’ll still get the urge to watch the original ‘Robo-Cop’ and once I’ve done that, it’s far too easy to watch the other two as well. Having said that, the re-boot wasn’t bad but I’ve never felt the urge to re-watch it, not once. Funny that… Anyway. The original three films are currently on Prime so watching them all, one after the other, was pretty much inevitable. I’ve been showing my oldest daughter all my favourite movies and that’s pretty much what led me to pop ‘Robo-Cop’ on yesterday, I thought I’d give it the ol’ once over, just to see if it would be suitable for her. And the answer…? Call me a chicken but I’m going to leave it for a little while longer; eighties ‘corporate America’ might just be a little too seedy for her, at least for now. For me though…? I love them, I’m even coming round to the idea of ‘Robo-Cop 3’ not being all that bad after all. I’ll be honest, everything has more or less been said about the ‘Rob