'WandaVision' – Episode Seven, 'Breaking the Fourth Wall'

Is it just me or does it feel like there's always so long to wait until the next episode of 'WandaVision' but when you get there, you can't quite get your head round the fact that we've had seven episodes now and there's only two weeks left of the series? Just me? Oh well, at least 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier' and 'Loki' aren't too far away.

But those are series for another day and for other blog posts; we're all about 'WandaVision' right now and it's about to get all cliff-hangery... Or is it? It's another good episode but I was left feeling just a little non-plussed here. That song though...

As always, I'll try and avoid spoilers for this episode but anything prior to that is now fair game. If you're not all caught up then, you might want to go and do that first. In the meantime...

Things are starting to break down in Westview, literally right before Wanda's eyes. Could the answer have been right in front of us the whole time? And just what is stopping Vision from getting back home...?

'Breaking the Fourth Wall' is another example of what the story telling people at Marvel do very well; getting us all excited about a possible reveal and then hitting us with something else entirely. No 'Skywalker Moment' this week then, not unless I missed it... I don't think I did.

Not so much a 'Skywalker Moment' then, more a... I don't know, a 'C3-P0 Moment'? Your mileage may vary depending on how many comic books you've read. I try my best but haven't read that many so while the reveal makes a lot of sense for the story, I wasn't that invested in it. 'WandaVision' has built up a lot of credit with me though so I'm happy to wait and see how this pans out. It does raise a lot more questions and there are only two episodes to answer these. That's a deadline that I'm happy to play along with.

It's not all bad though, far from it. As everything is breaking down (for what reason, we've yet to find out), 'WandaVision' is getting all sinister again and that, funnily enough, is where I think the show does some its best work. Scratching the veneer of American suburbia and seeing what darkness lies underneath. And you would almost be forgiven for thinking that Wanda is being upstaged in her own show... Someone else's arc has reached its 'Superhero Landing!' moment, Deadpool would be proud.

And spare a thought for Vision, he's the guy who knows the least about what is happening but he is still out there trying to do the right thing; you can't help but admire that.

And just when I was thinking 'was that it?', along comes the song that will take up residence in your head for anything up to the next week. 'Breaking the Fourth Wall' didn't quite hit the spot for me but still has plenty going for it, not least the sense that everything is falling into place for the finale. Of course I'll be back for more next week.

(P.S. Don't turn off during the overlong credits, just saying)


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