Books for the TBR Pile... 'Can You Tell It's Payday?' Edition

 After four and a bit weeks of waiting, it's payday once again and I'm riding the resulting wave of good feelings and, at the same time, trying not to make all the spending mistakes that I made last month. I'm half succeeding :o) While all of that is going on, I've finally managed to get back into 'The Fortress of the Pearl' so am reading it, like a mad thing, while the going's good. Strangely enough, there's a lot more to 'The Fortress of the Pearl', than there was 'Elric of Melnibone', but it's actually easier to read. I'm not complaining, it's nice to be able to read something without putting it down after a few pages... What are you reading at the moment?

And so, onto this weeks 'TBR' books. A book request and some payday treats...

I've heard good things about 'Cold From The North' (thanks Twitter) so took advantage of an author giveaway to see for myself. 'Elric' is the priority read right now but I've bumped this book up the pile because I did ask and it's rude to keep people waiting ;o) Review to come fairly soon.
Watching 'Kull the Conqueror', the other week, made me remember that I've hardly read any 'Kull' and I really should. That's where 'Exile of Atlantis' comes in. It's a fairly slim book so I'm not sure if I'll pick out the odd short story, here and there, or read the whole thing at once. We'll see.

I'll be honest, the only reason I bought this 'Case Files' collection is because it has the 'Judge Dredd vs Aliens' story and this book seems to be the cheapest way to get it right now. Do you do that? Buy a whole book just for one story...? The 'Aliens' story is worth it and you'll see something about that posted very soon I reckon.

I love fantasy comics but have never given 'Red Sonja' a go until now, mostly because I kept thinking about how I'd look reading these books on the bus (with the whole chainmail bikini thing going on, I'm so middle aged now...) These days though, my commute is just a few steps, from bed to desk, so that's no long an issue. It's been a while since I reviewed any comic books so one of these two books will get a post, all to itself, sooner rather than later.

And that is that for this week :o) What books have you picked up this week...?


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