'WandaVision' – Episode Eight, 'Previously On'

I can't believe there's only one week left of 'WandaVision' and then it's done. How can one week at work just drag on forever but the last eight weeks of 'WandaVision' feels like it has flown by? Oh well, here we are again and facing just seven more days until we find out how it ends. I've got a couple of ideas but I'm going to wait until the end of this post before I share them. There's a whole episode to talk about first.

But before we do, a little warning... Normally, I try to avoid spoilers but I suspect a few might just creep in here. We're at the point of the series now where they're almost impossible to avoid, especially with what's on the horizon. That's you told anyway, if you haven't watched this week's episode, you might want to do just that before you read the rest of this post...

It turns out that we're not the only people with questions about what Wanda has done to Westview, and how... Agatha has a few questions of her own although we have yet to find out why she is asking them. In the meantime, Agatha is taking Wanda on a trip that will answer those questions while Director Hayward is preparing to make a move of his own.

When all this is done and dusted, I'll do what I normally do with TV shows that I've watched; go back and watch all my favourite bits all over again. Not 'Previously On' though. It is another great episode (nothing wrong with it at all) but it's so sad... There's a lot going on in this episode and it's all designed to make chaps like me comment loudly about some dust in my eye. And considering that I live on my own, there's your indicator that 'Previously On' really delves deeply into who Wanda is and what she is too. All of a sudden, a peripheral Avenger suddenly has the richest back story of them all and not only is it well deserved, Elizabeth Olsen really lives in it. It's an amazing performance, one of those ones that really gets you thinking that the character is actually real. There's even time to speculate that Agatha's backstory might be a little more sympathetic than we thought and that's what I love about the MCU, the way that everyone is coming from a place where you can understand their motives, even if you can't agree with them.

And then you find out that parts of Wanda's story never happened the way we all thought they did. I'm looking at you Director Hayward with your powers of misdirection... I've grown to dislike Hayward more and more as the show continues and I'm fairly sure that he is going to get his comeuppance next week (speculation to come in a bit) In the meantime though, what an arsehole although his 'big plan' is going to make for an awesome finale next week.

No Agent Woo, Darcey, Rambeau or Vision this week but you hardly notice, Olsen and Hahn carry the episode effortlessly and the whole thing promises not only an explosive conclusion but closure too. I'm excited already, a little sad that it's ending but really excited at the same time. It's going to be good.

And now, a couple of mini-theories... Look away if you don't want to potentially be spoilt.

The SWORD officer who takes orders from Hayward but always gives him a really odd look? Keep an eye on her next week, I think that's where the 'Skywalker Moment' is coming from.

And with what we find out in the mid-credits scene? I think Vision is going to be just fine... (I'm trying to be deliberately vague with this one)


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