Books for the TBR Pile... 'Ruining Miitopia' Edition

I mean, I could say why but I think that blog title stands by itself just fine, don't you...? ;o) Lets just say that it will be a long time before my daughter lets me have a go on her DS...

Anyway, hi and how's it going? How was your weekend? I'm wondering where mine went to be honest. It only seems like a little while ago that I was turning my work laptop off with a sigh of relief and now I'm looking at turning it back on again in a few hours. Oh well, five days until the next weekend...

Reading wise, things are as slow as ever but I'm starting to make a little headway with 'Call of the Boneships' which, from what I've read so far, is at least as good as it's predecessor. I need to find a little more time in the day to get some quality reading done and really get stuck into the plot. I've got a few books that are finished, and waiting for a review, but they're all much older works. I'm not too concerned about being 'current' (there are a lot of excellent blogs that are far better at this than I'll ever be) but I wouldn't mind reading/finishing something that's new, or even fairly new... I'm not fussy ;o)

In the meantime, it's that time of the week again so lets have a quick look at the books that have made it to my doorstep. I say 'quick look'... My copy of 'The Difference Engine' never made it here so there are only a couple of books to look at this time round,

There's me banging on about wanting to read newer books and then I show you a picture of older books that I've been buying... Oh well :o)
I won't lie, I already have a Kindle copy of 'City of the Dead' but I really wanted a copy of the Leisure Fiction edition as well (for the cover, look at it) so grabbed one at a half decent price. Am I the only person who buys the same book in paperback and for the Kindle...? Maybe...
As for 'Deathbringer'... Now here's a book that I saw years ago, in Forbidden Planet, and thought it looked like something I'd be into. I ended up buying something else though (more than likely a Brian Keene book) and by the time payday came round again, not only had it disappeared from the shop but I had totally forgotten what it was called and who had written it... This is why I now take pictures of books that I might want to buy at a later date ;o) After popping my copy of 'City of the Dead' in the Amazon basket, I somehow came across 'Deathbringer', recognised the cover immediately and grabbed that too. To be read and reviewed... soonish.

And that's me for this week, I'll see you tomorrow for the start of another. What books have you bought this week? And knowing me a little bit now, do you think I'd like them? Leave a comment and let me know :o)


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