‘Creepshow’ – Season 4

I’m still that person who forgets he has Shudder and then goes on a mad watching spree to somehow try and justify the expense… I’d like to say that I’ll sort myself out but I’m a regular creature of habit so that’s not going to happen ;o) Halloween got me in the mood for some horror but after the bleak horror of ‘Lockdown Tower’, I needed something a little more light-hearted so when I realised that Season 4 of ‘Creepshow’ was on ‘Shudder’ and I had no other plans for Sunday, my afternoon and evening pretty much took care of itself. Just under six hours later… ‘Creepshow’ was just what I needed to get me over the bleakness of ‘Lockdown Tower’. It was a good mix of laughs, unsettling moments, full on scary bits and some particularly unlikeable people getting what they deserved. Not all of the episodes worked for me but enough did to make the Season a success, for me overall. Episodes are below followed by some quick thoughts on each… Episode 1 – ‘Twenty Minutes with Cassandra’ & ‘S...