Charity Shop Finds...

I'm moving house next month so really should be getting rid of books but... Here I am :o) To be fair, there have been more books going out the door, then there have coming in, but I still can't walk past a charity shop without going in and once I'm in, stuff like this happens...

I've never read anything by Dennis Wheatley and I'm always partial to a slightly lurid cover so 'The Devil Rides Out' was an easy purchase. In this month of months, you would think that it's an easy reading choice but I'm stuck on a book right now with several others waiting to be read. Lets see how that one goes.

'The Complete Alien Omnibus' was another easy purchase because, well... It's 'The Complete Alien Omnibus', look at it. As well as being partial to lurid covers, I also have a weakness for movie novelisations and if/when I read it, I can pretend that Ripley's story stopped at 'Alien 3' ;o) To be read in movie sized chunks 'post move', I reckon.

And last but not least, there was a 'Red Seas' shaped hole in my 'Gentlemen Bastards' collection and a quick browse, in the Red Cross Shop', sorted that out. It's been a while since I read the first two books so if and when I get round to this series again, 'Red Seas' will have to wait its turn.

And that's that, short and sweet ;o) What are you reading at the moment and going by what I post here, do you think I should give it a go? Leave a comment and let me know...


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