A Cover Art Post... 'Call of the Bone Ships' - R.J. Barker (Orbit)

I can't believe it was a year ago that I read R.J. Barker's 'The Bone Ships'... It was though and here's the review to prove it ;o) It was right at the end of the review that I said I'd be all settled down and waiting for book two... Well, it's almost that time. 'Call of the Bone Ships' is out towards the end of next month so I figured now was a great time to have a look at the cover art and blurb (there's also the small fact that I've been doing Halloween stuff with the girls so a cover art post is all I'm good for right now but it still would have been about 'Call of the Bone Ships', honest!) First up then, the cover art... Just look at that cover... Gorgeous, isn't it? I'm more of a 'I know what I like' kind of guy, rather than someone who knows the first thing about artwork, but I love the 'map feel' of this cover and I love how fresh and crisp it looks, I'm guessing rather like the seas that the...