A Book for the TBR Pile... 'Yep, just the one this time' Edition

It happens... For every time that the hunt turns up a pile of books, there will inevitably be occasions where very few books (or even none at all *shudder*) are found. That's just the nature of it and this week just gone has definitely been one of those weeks. mostly because I've been stuck looking in the same old charity shops (I need to get further afield but that's not happening any time soon) but also because I'm trying to get my Christmas shopping done a little earlier this year which has left me a little short. That's not a bad thing, actually, as it's encouraging me to read some of the books I've already bought (albeit not very quickly, more on that in a bit) but it doesn't help me a lot with posts like this... 
I've started this post though so I'll finish ;o) I did manage to find one book whilst walking through Lewisham town centre, on my way from A to B. I stopped off for a quick look in Traid and found this little beauty...

I say 'little'... It's a massive book! Most of my 'X-Men' reading came around the mid-nineties, from the tail end of 'Age of Apocalypse' to the beginning of 'Operation Zero Tolerance' and I've never really read any of the early stuff (apart from 'Inferno' which I will always remember as the story where a tourist family were eaten by a demonic lift...) This book will hopefully fill in a few gaps when I have a few hours spare to sit down and really get into it (definitely not a quick read).

Talking of which, what are you reading at the moment? I've still got 'The Last Kingdom' on the go and it's shaping up to be a great read, it's just a question of finding the time to really get stuck in. It's not a book that I can just read a few pages here and there, this one demands all your time. I've kind of made a start on Moorcock's 'The Fortress of the Pearl' as well but might just have to pick a couple of quick reads to get me through this week otherwise I'm not going to have a lot to post about here. It might even be time to revisit a couple of my favourite Terry Pratchett books as well. Sorry, I was thinking out loud there for a second... ;o)

So, what are you reading? And do you think I'd like it or not...? Either way, leave a comment and let me know.


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