Books for the TBR Pile... 'Late' Edition

Where has the day gone...? One minute I was struggling to wake up for an early start. The next thing I know, I'm looking at it being Sunday in about half an hour's time... Oh well. Hopefully Sunday will be as good as today was, because it was a good one, in part because I got to root through piles of old books in Deptford Market, more on that in a bit.

We've already established that when I get stressed or low, I end up buying loads of books in a misguided attempt to feel better (although I do end up with more books so I win overall). Well, this week has been a bit of a nightmare so the resulting book buying went... critical... Seriously, I'm hoping for a quieter week, next week, as I'm running out of room for books in my flat :o(

Do you want to have a look? Yeah, you do... Lets start off with the usual suspects.

I'm collecting the 'Elric' stories in single volumes as these aren't quite so daunting when you pick them up and lets be honest, the covers are awesome aren't they? No pretentiousness here, what you see is what you're going to get when you get into the stories themselves. I've just started 'Fortress of the Pearl' so it will be a little while before I get to these but get to these I shall :o)
I've got a soft spot for 'Brak the Barbarian' which I'll talk about some other time. This copy was a birthday present, from a good mate of mine, and is probably the coolest looking edition that I've ever owned (and I've owned a few in my time). To be read and reviewed at a later date, probably when it's raining outside and I'm after a comfort re-read...

These are 'well done for getting through to another payday' presents to myself. I've been a little cagey about reading 'The Dinosaur Lords' as the series is unfinished (RIP Victor Milan...) but the prospect of knights in armour riding dinosaurs proved too tempting and so here I am, looking for a spot in my reading schedule where 'The Dinosaur Lords' can sit and wait for a bit. I'll let you know how it goes...
With all this talk of 'Norsevember' floating around, I thought I'd grab a copy of 'The Broken Sword' (to replace the last one I owned, no idea where that ended up) and re-read some classic Viking action. I will definitely be reading this over the next month.

And now things go a little bit off the beaten 'fantasy, horror and a little bit of sci-fi' track...

Remember how I said today was partly about rooting through old books in Deptford Market? You never know quite what you're going to find there (it's all house clearance stuff) and today, it ended up being a whole load of 'Westerns' and other pulp stuff (you'll know exactly what I mean when you see the pictures below). I grabbed a few books, of course I did, and will check them out as and when I get the chance. They do look cool though...

They're not my usual 'reads of choice' but I'm looking to try something different and this seemed like as good a place as any to start off. Again, reviews as and when I get round to these little gems... ;o)

Last but definitely not least, a couple of review copies that I was lucky enough to receive from Transworld...

I'm going to talk a bit more about 'The Stranger Times' tomorrow, maybe, we'll see. 'Fire Cannot Kill A Dragon' looks like the non-fiction book that I've been looking for (I told you I wanted to try different reads...) so I'll be in and out of that one over the next week or so.

So, any books there that you like the look of? Any that you'd like to see jump the queue a little? Leave a comment and let me know... ;o)


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