‘The Goon: For Want of Whiskey and Blood’ – Eric Powell (Dark Horse)

You already know that I love ‘The Goon’; the only surprise left is that I managed to hold off binging on the whole series for as long as I did. All good things come to an end though. Posts for Volumes 14 and 15 have been on the blog for a good couple of years ( Here and Here , in case you were wondering) so ‘For Want of Whiskey and Blood’ is the final piece of the puzzle, so to speak ;o) I didn’t get a lot of reading done over the weekend (okay, hardly any reading in fact) but I did make a little time to polish this last volume off. Let me tell you about it… The return of the Zombie Priest, a latin-tongued Godzilla, drunk sailors and a Halloween visit from Billy the Kid are just a few of the special tricks and treats for the Goon and Franky. Nothing too arduous then but, why has the Zombie Priest returned? And why are all his messages trying to kill the Goon…? Lets get the slightly awkward bit out of the way first… 99% of ‘The Return of the Lizard Man’ is in Spanish and while I was ju...