What I'm reading/What I'm going to be reading...

I don't often do these posts anymore, mostly because it's well proven that I'm rubbish at sticking to reading my way through a TBR pile that I've made for myself. There's always something else to read first and if there isn't, well... I'm getting more and more picky with my reading as I get more and more middle-aged. What can I do? ;o)

I'm doing one of these posts today though, mostly because my reading slowed right down last week and I need a little breathing space while I catch up (and look on the shelves for the remaining books that I read while on hiatus last year). Lets see how well I do with it...

Not shown in the picture is my Kindle which I'm using to read Victoria Hayward's 'Deathworlder' (which is great fun by the way, if that's the correct way to describe an entire planet being consumed by Tyranids... the hell with it, I stand by what I said).

So, what else are we looking at...? I'm just over halfway through 'Blightslayer' so maybe there'll be a review by the end of the week (fingers crossed) and then we're onto the currently unread books. I'm after short reads and as you can see, 'Hell Hound' is a very slim book. 'They Lurk' looks a little more hefty but I'm only going to be reading one novella from it for now, very likely 'After the Fade', so another quick read. And then we're onto the 'Conan's'...

'Conan the Destroyer' came about as a recommendation in the comments (thanks, Bookstooge!) and then I realised that I can't read that without reading 'Conan the Barbarian' first. And then last but not least, I'm going to head back to the source and read me some 'Original Conan' (as well as some 'Conan' where Carter and De Camp get involved).

I don't know how long it will take me to get through that lot and like I said, I'm not immune to the promises of books that currently nowhere near my immediate TBR pile. The plan is to read these books though so lets see how it goes... What are you reading right now?


  1. Which kindle do you have? I have an original Oasis and man, I love that thing. I can tell the battery is starting to go, so I figure I'll be lucky to get another 2 years out of it. After that, I'll have to search around because I need buttons on my ereader.

    Good luck with the Conan's. Hope some of them turn out good for you :-)

    1. That's a really good question, I have no idea (it was a Christmas present back in 2015ish). I don't use it that often but I was lucky enough to get an eArc of Deathworlder so out it came :o) There's loads of stuff on it actually, I might have to revisit a few books now...
      And thanks :o) I used to love 'Conan the Barbarian' as a kid so that's a safe bet, I'll have to see how the others go.

    2. Got it. So you're not totally into ebooks then :-D


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