‘Flies’ – Isaac Asimov

Page Count: Eight Pages. After working my way through the last couple of hundred pages of ‘Into the Narrowdark’, my next read needed to be something completely different and a change of pace as well. You know where I’m coming from ;o) With that in mind then, I took the jump from epic fantasy, straight into a slice of science fiction that I hadn’t read in almost forty years… (Note to self: Stop thinking about how long it has been since you’ve read certain books, you’ll just upset yourself) Wikipedia very kindly let me know that Isaac Asimov’s short story ‘Flies’ first appeared in the June 1953 issue of ‘Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction’, eventually ending up as part of the Asimov collection ‘Nightfall and Other Stories’. And that’s where I first came across ‘Flies’, poring over the books on my Dad’s shelves. He was cool with me reading a little Asimov and while I got a few short stories under my belt, it was ‘Flies’ that stuck with me and the other day, I figured I was well overd...