'The Cimmerian Volume 2: People of the Black Circle & The Frost Giant's Daughter' – Runberg, Park, Ooshima, Sienty, Recht' (Ablaze)

And Robert E. Howard of course! In a turnaround that I never saw happening, not this week anyway, I've only actually gone and read something! :o) I was looking after my kids tonight and they were sat there reading so I thought it would be rude not to join in. Plus if I hadn't, I would have fallen asleep... But anyway. I've got a sweet little pile of unread comic books so I thought I'd start chipping away at that pile and Conan is always good for a read. I'd enjoyed Volume 1 as well as the adaptation of 'Beyond The Black River' so I figured this volume would be a safe bet as well. And you know what...? Of course it was. Apologies if you've read these stories before but for those of you who haven't, here's some blurb for you... In The People of the Black Circle, the king has just died in the kingdom of Vendhya, struck down by the spells of the black prophets of Yimsha. The king’s sister, Yasmina, decides to avenge him…and contacts Conan, then...