What I'm looking to read this week...
I'd more or less stopped doing these posts as I just wasn't getting the books read and it had reached the point where I could have just posted any old picture and still not read the book... Where was the point in that? I'm feeling a little more confident about this week's reading, this time round, so here goes and we'll see how it pans out this time next week...
I had to put 'Empire of Grass' down, last year, as it just wasn't working for me back then. Right now though? I'm just over halfway through and it's a slow burner but it's so richly detailed (and the new characters have a found their voice now) that I don't mind; I'm in it until the end now. I'd like to finish it this week, so I can start on 'Into The Narrowdark', but I'll be a little sad when I do. We'll see...
I'm in the office, a couple of days this week, so I've picked a couple of shorter reads for the commute (or for the end of a long day when I'm not up to much, there'll be at least a couple of those in the near future). I've got a few Guy N. Smith books to work through and 'Alligators' seemed as good a place to start as any. And it's been ages since I've read any 'Brak the Barbarian' so that's where 'Brak the Barbarian versus The Sorceress' comes in.
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