What I'm looking to read this week...

I'd more or less stopped doing these posts as I just wasn't getting the books read and it had reached the point where I could have just posted any old picture and still not read the book... Where was the point in that? I'm feeling a little more confident about this week's reading, this time round, so here goes and we'll see how it pans out this time next week...

I had to put 'Empire of Grass' down, last year, as it just wasn't working for me back then. Right now though? I'm just over halfway through and it's a slow burner but it's so richly detailed (and the new characters have a found their voice now) that I don't mind; I'm in it until the end now. I'd like to finish it this week, so I can start on 'Into The Narrowdark', but I'll be a little sad when I do. We'll see...

I'm in the office, a couple of days this week, so I've picked a couple of shorter reads for the commute (or for the end of a long day when I'm not up to much, there'll be at least a couple of those in the near future). I've got a few Guy N. Smith books to work through and 'Alligators' seemed as good a place to start as any. And it's been ages since I've read any 'Brak the Barbarian' so that's where 'Brak the Barbarian versus The Sorceress' comes in.

And last but not least... You know me, I like to post the odd 'short story post' and again, it's been ages since I've read any Tim Powers so... ;o)

And that's my reading for this week, hopefully I can get a large chunk of it done (fingers crossed), lets see.


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