Books for the TBR Pile! 'Didn't Quite Manage It...' Edition

Well, three out of four wasn't bad... ;o) The plan for this week was to read all these books but 'Empire of Grass' took a larger than expected chunk out of the week so 'Brak vs The Sorceress' will have to wait it's turn until next week. I didn't do too badly though and managed to post about the following tales...

'Alligators' (Guy N. Smith)

'Empire of Grass' (Tad Williams)

'The Way Down The Hill' (Tim Powers)

I'm aiming for another good reading week next week although I do have an exam to study for so that could all change. Lets see...

And this is why today's post is all about the bookhaul ;o) I had to pick up my heart medication the other day (and god do I feel old saying that...) and Crofton Books is only a ten minute walk away so I thought to myself 'why not...?' The danger with visiting your local second hand bookshop too often is that the stock never has a chance to replenish but I got pretty lucky and came home with the following...

'The Eyes of the Dragon' is a Stephen King book that I've never got round to picking up so that's just what I did when I saw it. I've got a few books that I'd like to first but I can see this being a summer read, under a tree in a park somewhere... Same kind of thing with 'Return of the Howling'. I've never seen the movies but was after some more horror reading and this stood out on the 'Horror Shelf' in the shop (mostly Stephen King which isn't a bad thing but, you know).

I'm picking up 'Mayflower' editions of the 'Lankhmar' books, as and when I see them so 'The Swords of Lankhmar' was an easy purchase. I've got at least three other 'Lankhmar' books that I need to read first though so don't expect a review any time soon.
And 'The Castle of Iron' is a similar kind of deal where I'd like to collect the original Sphere editions, just one more to find 'The Incompleat Enchanter' and I'm away ;o)

And that is that for books this week, until I get paid that is... ;o) Anything here catch your eye?


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