Books for the TBR Pile... 'Passed the Exam!' Edition

Despite the best attempts of several computers to stop me, I only went and passed my ITIL V4 Foundation exam yesterday :o) It was a nightmare of a morning as first my laptop betrayed me and then I was dashing about, trying to find another one that would work. Turns out that my eldest daughter's laptop is dreadful at most things but is more than happy to let me sit an exam :o) I scraped a pass but right now, a pass is a pass and I'll take it.

Which leads us to this week's books... Here's a mixture of 'Well done' books and books that somehow found their way to mine after I'd had a shitty day at work. It's almost like someone thought I could do with some cheering up... I wonder who that could have been... ;o)

As always, it's not a 'Books' post without a Guy N. Smith book to kick things off ;o) I've been on the lookout for a copy of 'Manitou Doll' for a long time now and eBay just so happened to point me at an affordable copy, I was all over it. To be read as and when I'm able (I've got a load of Guy N. Smith books to read that's a TBR pile in itself).
I'm collecting the Millennium editions of the 'Eternal Champion' series (these are the covers that I first came across, as a kid, and so they're a little bit special) and I was able to cross 'Count Brass' off the list the other day. I need to read the first 'Hawkmoon' series before I read 'Count Brass' and I need to finally finish 'Stormbringer' before I do that. Don't hold your breath for a review, any time soon, is all I'm saying ;o)

Here are a couple of books that I bought to cheer myself up a bit over the last week, it was one of those weeks... Not a lot to say about these books at the moment but they're both short story collections so you can expect to see these featured (in some shape or form) fairly soon.

And last but not least, more 'Conan' goodness in comic-book form :o) I've been enjoying what Ablaze have done with Conan so this is a read that will happen sooner rather than later, just need to read Volume 2 first...

And that's me and books for this week ;o) Anything here catch your eye? Leave a comment and let me know...


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