Books for the TBR Pile... 'Hello Weekend!' Edition

Thank goodness that week is over, 'double thank goodness' that this weekend is a long weekend... It hasn't been a bad week but there has been rather a lot of it so I'm glad to see the back of it to be honest ;o) I've got a busy weekend lined up but not that busy. Should be fun actually :o) But you're not here for that and you've done really well, letting me ramble when you want to see what the ol' book haul looks like this week. Not too bad as it happens :o) I had a little wander through Lewisham, one lunchtime, and it was like the charity shops knew I was in the area and had put all their best books out... I love a lunch break like that ;o) All of the following for just over six quid... The British Heart Foundation Shop... Apologies for the photo, not one of my best but you can make the books out ;o) I'm way behind on my 'Joe Abercrombie Reading' and 'Sharp Ends' is one of those books that I've yet to read so it was another case...