Books for the TBR Pile... 'All Caught Up Now' Edition

I really did buy far too many books over the Easter Holiday (and when I was meant to be catching up with what was already on the TBR Pile, so no change there then...), so many in fact that I figured I'd show them all off over two posts instead of one because seriously, how many pictures of books do you actually want to see in a post...? Oh, really..? Well, maybe I'll throw it all in one post, next time round but for now, here's 'Part 2' of  what I bought on holiday (Part 1 can be found over Here).

This week's books come courtesy of a couple of well stocked (maybe not that well stocked now...) charity shops in Ipswich town centre. Worth a look if you happen to be in the area, there's not a lot else to do in Ipswich town centre any more... :o(

The Samaritan's Shop (Carr Street)

The SFF shelves weren't as well stocked as they have been but I still managed to come out with a few treasures ;o) The Robert Rankin pretty much brought itself and is now insurance against those days when I need laughs of a surreal nature. I've never read anything by Robert Asprin so 'Myth Conceptions' happened to be in the right place at the right time' I might save it for a 'commute read' over the next week or so (I suspect that I'll need it!) And I know next to nothing about 'The Lost Prince' other than that Ian Miller did the cover art and and I love Ian Miller's art. Hopefully the plot will be just as good! It's not a priority read though (unless one of you reckons that it should be...?) 

The Oxfam Shop (Buttermarket)

I got lucky here as there was a bookcase absolutely heaving with the good stuff...

I'm a fan of John Jakes' 'Brak the Barbarian' so 'Conquest of the Planet of the Apes' was a bit of a 'must buy', I'll be very interested to see how it pans out. I had a copy of 'The Storm Lord', when I was a lot younger, but it went the way of most of my old book collection so when I saw it in Oxfam, I figured it was way past time that I gave it another go (just don't ask me when that might be). And 'The Sword of Rhiannon'? Well, I used to have a Fantasy Masterworks collection of her work but that went so these days, if something has her name on it then I will grab it and that's why 'The Sword of Rhiannon' is here. Has anyone read it?

Yes, that's a 'Gor' book, please don't judge me. I've never read a 'Gor' book and even if I don't manage it with this one, that cover art is absolutely amazing isn't it? That on it's own, has owned 'Assassin' a place on my shelves. And the Gemmell? Well, I haven't read the first Jon Shannow book (plan to though) but couldn't pass up picking this book up when I saw it. I might have to leave it for now though as I want to read 'Wolf in Shadow' and 'The Last Guardian' first (and I need to find copies before I can do that...)

And... that's me for this week ;o) As always, is there anything here that takes your fancy (or in the possible case of the 'Gor' book, anything that you think I should avoid? Leave a comment and let me know.


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