Yep, that's right... If you hadn't guessed already, I'm back from my 'blogging break' and ready to have another go at this here blog ;o) It was just what I needed by the way, I wouldn't say that I read all that much though but more on that in a second.
Hope you guys all had a good break as well. I got up to a few things that I really enjoyed but would leave you all thinking, 'why did he just tell us that?' I won't go into all that then ;o) Lets just say that I spent a lot of time with my daughters so reading time was at a bit of a premium. What happened a lot more was book shopping, because of course it did... So much for eating into the backlog! I actually bought so many books that I'm going to have to show them all over two posts instead of the usual one. I know, I've got a problem... ;o) This post will show some 'payday shopping', and a lucky eBay find, but will concentrate on the first time that I've ever gone round a bookshop via WhatsApp...

My ex-partner and daughters went to Plymouth for a week and while they were there, took me round Barbican Books via WhatsApp call. If you get a chance to visit Barbican Books by the way (via WhatsApp or by more traditional means) then do visit as the SFF shelves are bulging with a whole load of books that are only £3 each. It was a flying visit for me but well worth it. I've never read any A.E.Van Vogt but now I get a chance to give him a go (although to be honest, these two books were bought more for the awesome retro cover art...) Have you guys ever read any Vogt?
The 'Moorcock Shelf' is now a couple of books lighter as well... I'd totally forgotten that I had a copy of 'The Champion of Garathorm', now I have two. I really need to finish 'Stormbringer' but these will come in handy for when I tackle 'Hawkmoon'.
'Winter Warriors' has been on my Amazon Wishlist for ages so when I saw it on the Barbican Books shelves, I leapt on it. I actually read it last week so expect to see a review soon. I was sure that I had a copy of 'The Swordbearer' but a quick look over my shelves confirmed otherwise so I made sure that I grabbed this copy as well. Review to come... eventually ;o)
I've read more than a few Stephen King books, in my time, but never 'Cujo', probably because of my belief that all dogs are 'good dogs' and never bad... ;o) I couldn't stay away from it forever though so it's now on the TBR Pile with a view to reading fairly soon. It could make a good 'Commute Read', lets see.
'The Wastelands' fills in a gap in my 'Dark Tower' collection and is a reminder that I should do a re-read of the series, hopefully soon...
Moving away from 'Barbican Books' purchases now... I've never read 'Under the Dome', quite possibly because I've never read a positive review of it. It's long past time that I saw for myself so figured I'd give it a read; quite when that will be though... I've got no idea.
And I'm becoming quite adept at finding Guy N. Smith books, on eBay, that I haven't read yet, 'The Undead' is the latest of these. I've got a pile of unread Guy N. Smith books now, I really need to do something about that...
And that's that, for now anyway. I'll post the rest at the weekend but in the meantime, anything here that you'd like me to tackle first?
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