Books for the TBR Pile... 'On Leave, Finally!' Edition

The last couple of weeks have been murder but I've finally got there; I'm on leave for the next ten days and I have to tell you, it feels good :o) I won't go into all the gory details but lets just say that I've earned this break and I'm going to make the most of it. It's mostly going to be hanging out with my kids, while they're on Easter Holiday, but there will definitely be time for some reading as well. That's the plan anyway, we'll see how it pans out ;o)

In the meantime though... There hasn't been a lot of book buying, over the last week, but some happened, of course it did. A couple of 'damn, I'd better jump on that' eBay purchases and a 'I need to go back and read the first book'. Lets take a look at them, shall we?

I don't normally see copies of 'The Pluto Pact' knocking around, at a decent price, on eBay so when I saw this copy, I jumped right on it before anyone else did. It's in pretty good shape as well so score one for me ;o)
I don't normally see copies of 'The Resurrected' doing the rounds either so made sure that I won this one. I ended up paying towards the top end, of what I willing to pay, but the book's mine now so all's well that ends well I guess. I've got a small pile of Guy N. Smith books that I need to read so am not 100% sure when I'll get to these. I will though ;o)

And as for this book...? Well, I really enjoyed 'They Came And Ate Us' so figured I needed to go back to the beginning and pick up the rest of the story, because there's nothing like reading a series in order... ;o) Again, I'm not 100% sure when I'll get to this book but it's fairly high on the TBR pile so soon(ish) hopefully.

And that's your lot for this week, I told you there weren't many books ;o) What are you reading at the moment? Leave a comment and let me know... 


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