Books for the TBR Pile! 'A Mixed Bag' Edition...

Is it me or did November suddenly decide to get a move on and finish so that we could have a clear shot at getting 2020 done and out of the way? If it did, I'm not complaining. If it wasn't for other things happening today, I'd be really tempted to get the Christmas Tree up early and start celebrating. I mean, we've earned it this year, haven't we? It's around about this time of year that the arrival of book packages speeds up a bit but the book posts themselves gets thinner in content. Yep, my kids are getting loads of books for Christmas but you would not be interested, in the slightest, to see what they are; they will though and that's the main thing. Only a few books for me then, this week, but I'm expecting things to change on that front as the charity shops open over the next few days. Shall we see what they are...? Oh, go on then... ;o) I've always meant to try out some Patricia A. McKillip and when I saw 'The Forgotten Beasts of Eld'...