Books for the TBR Pile... 'Half Hearted Unicorn Photobomb!' Edition

I'm knackered, pardon my language but it's true ;o) I'm not one for walking loads at the best of times (I need to be but there's always a bus handy...) so walking from London Bridge all the way down to Greenwich was a little bit ambitious for my portly frame and slightly arthritic knee. I did it though :o) Well, to be honest, I had to as the girls were on their bikes and I had to stay within at least yelling distance and be on hand to pick the smallest one off the pavement at least once, my ex-wife was on hand for the other two occasions.
Yep, the smallest one is still cycling with the confidence of a twenty year cyclist even though she's only been riding for just over a fortnight. Which is great until you see her take a corner... Oh well, after all that I'm half looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow and getting to grips with stuff that I can actually deal with ;o)

Now I've got that off my chest, how about a look at the books that came through the door not long after I'd been paid? Yep, I've been paid and apparently that was all the excuse I needed to go ever so slightly crazy on Amazon. I need to stay off Amazon for a bit but that's another story... There are more books on the way but these are the ones that found their way to mine over the last few days...

Yes, those are unicorn legs and a mermaid's tail in the background. They're hiding out at mine while a cuddly toy purge is being conducted at my ex-wife's place. They might end up staying a little longer to be honest, although the unicorn's horn does have a habit of lighting up all by itself. It bloody giggles as well; the unicorn that is, not the horn...

But, the books...

You won't see a review for 'Prince of Thorns' here but you can find one (if you want) over Here. I'm actually working my way through 'King of Thorns' at the moment (and really enjoying it, more on that when I review it) but am having trouble keeping up with who's who and what's going on in the Broken Empire as a whole. I'm rubbish at using my Kindle to do anything other than turn the pages so thought I'd treat myself to a 'real' copy of 'Prince of Thorns' to help me get up to speed quickly. That'll teach me to wait years between reading books...

'Jerry Cornelius: His Life and Times' though... That will be reviewed, although I'm not sure whether to go through and post reviews on each short story or just do the whole book at once. I've still got to read 'Fortress of the Pearl' so I've got ages to make my mind up ;o)

'Praetorian' was actually a random purchase while I was in Poundland looking for a bag of scampi and lemon fries (which I am pleased to report that I found and, eventually, ate). I've got this vague resolution to read a little more historical fiction and it makes a nice change when my normal reading isn't happening. It's a little way down the 'Beating the Reading Slump' list though, don't expect a post any time soon is what I'm saying.

And there you have it, a little bit of unicorn leg (and tail) and some cool books, you can't ask for a lot more than that to end the week on. What are you reading right now? And have you got any tips to rein in an overconfident six year old cyclist? Please, help me out here ;o)


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