'The Walking Dead: World Beyond', Episode Ten – 'In This Life'

It's been a long old road (which felt far longer than it had any right to sometimes) but we're finally at the last episode (of Season One anyway...) of 'The Walking Dead: World Beyond'. More on the series, as a whole, in a bit, but for now lets concentrate on the final episode. There was a lot of stuff being built up to so it had better be worth it. Spoiler: It was worth it... Not a bad episode to bow out on and it has set things in motion for a hopefully much better Season Two.

Actually, before we get started... I'm going to make a pretty big assumption that you all watched both episodes at once (unlike me) so all bets are off now and I'm naming the traitor and the asset in the paragraph below this one. You've been warned ;o)

Everyone has suddenly realised that Huck has been pulling everyone's string and she has now disappeared with Hope. The race is on to rescue Hope then but does Hope actually need rescuing? If our groups can avoid danger along the way, they might stand a chance of reaching her in time but does Huck have one last card to play and will it be a good one...?

In a twist that this Graeme never saw coming, 'In This Life' just flew by; if only more episodes could have been this tight and focused. Oh well... There's a lot going on and while most of it is about getting two groups moving forwards again, we do get to see a massive fight between Felix and Huck (which was awesome), and Silas is back! That was my favourite bit, seeing the big guy find out that he's innocent after all (I never doubted you) More important to the plot (at least) though is the gradual reveal about just what the Civil Republic is up to and that raises questions that aren't exactly new but are worth thinking over in relation to this show. You know the ones... Does the end justify the means? If Huck truly believes that she is doing the right thing, is she a bad guy after all? I mean, probably yeah but it is still going to be interesting seeing this expanded upon in Season Two.

It's no surprise then that Hope goes back to the Civil Republic, that was signposted pretty heavily last episode . What makes the episode worth sticking with is the back and forth between Hope and Huck as they both argue their cases. There are more seeds sown, for Season Two, as we realise that the Civil Republic Militia may have gone back with only half of what they needed. There is a lot of build up to what's going to happen in Season Two but there's still enough closure here to make you feel like you've sat through a story in it's own right.

A good episode to end on then but it doesn't hide the fact that 'The Walking Dead: World Beyond' had more 'downs', across the Season, than 'ups'. I think the introduction of more adult characters, at the end of the episode, hints at a more interesting tale to be told next Season. We've had a Season of teenagers finding their way through the zombie apocalypse and it failed for me because these teenagers shouldn't have had to learn, they should have already known what they were doing. With an adult supporting cast (of characters who have hopefully learned their lessons already) backing up a hardened Iris, I think we could be in for a better Season Two than Season One. I hope so anyway, I'll certainly be back to check it out.

Links to my earlier 'episode reviews' are below,

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9


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