Books for the TBR Pile! 'A Mixed Bag' Edition...

 Is it me or did November suddenly decide to get a move on and finish so that we could have a clear shot at getting 2020 done and out of the way? If it did, I'm not complaining. If it wasn't for other things happening today, I'd be really tempted to get the Christmas Tree up early and start celebrating. I mean, we've earned it this year, haven't we?

It's around about this time of year that the arrival of book packages speeds up a bit but the book posts themselves gets thinner in content. Yep, my kids are getting loads of books for Christmas but you would not be interested, in the slightest, to see what they are; they will though and that's the main thing.

Only a few books for me then, this week, but I'm expecting things to change on that front as the charity shops open over the next few days. Shall we see what they are...? Oh, go on then... ;o)

I've always meant to try out some Patricia A. McKillip and when I saw 'The Forgotten Beasts of Eld' on offer (Amazon of course) there was no reason to put it off any longer. It's only a couple of hundred pages long so I'd like to think that I'd get to it sooner rather than later but I'm still slogging my way through 'The Last Kingdom' though so I'll get back to you on that one.
'The Shadow Guests' though, might be reviewed (or at the very least posted about) a bit sooner than that. Here's a book where I've been trying to remember the title for years, the only thing I could remember was that I read it at high school (and it had a little bit of song in it) and I enjoyed it back then. A chance comment on Twitter pointed me at it and I didn't hang around in grabbing a copy for myself. This is a book that I could probably polish off in an evening, given half a chance, so expect some reminiscing some point soon.
I want to read more Warhammer Horror (even though I'm still not convinced that the Black Library needs a horror line) so when I saw a cheap copy of  'The Wicked and the Damned', I was all over it. I want to read this right away so there will be a review over the next couple of weeks (although I really should finish 'The Last Kingdom' first)

I've been waiting for this book for what seems like absolutely ages and here it is:o) I'm not going to lie, I read the hell out of this book over the weekend so there will be a review this week, you can count on that ;o)

And that's me for this week. If you've had any cool books arrive in the post (whether you think I'd like them or not) then leave a comment and let me know. I'm always on the lookout for new books to read (or as is more likely right now, new books to leave on a pile of other books and feel vaguely guilty for not reading...)


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