'Dead Sea' – Brian Keene (Deadite Press)

I'm still not quite ready to tackle another Brian Keene series of books but give it time, there's one series that I haven't tried yet and one that's an old favourite of mine. They're both on the table (and by table, I actually mean the ladder that goes up to my little library) but for now, there are still a few stand-alone books left to read and today, we're talking 'Dead Sea'. No talking zombies, not this time anyway, but the question these shambling husks help to pose is still a bastard to answer. A book that makes you think a little then, at the same time as you're wincing to yourself and begging your favourite character to summon up a little more strength and not get bit... Three guesses what I thought of this book then and the first two guesses don't count ;o) The city streets are no longer safe. They are filled instead with the living dead, rotting predators driven only by a need to kill and eat. Some of the living still struggle to survi...