Books for the TBR Pile! 'Hell of a week on the way...' Edition

Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines... I hate deadlines and there are loads of them headed my way over the next week at work. Woohoo, can't wait and all that... ;o) You wouldn't believe it but I actually really enjoy my job. I've had enough awful jobs to know when a good one comes along and this is definitely a good one; I just wish it would quieten down a bit sometimes, that's all. Oh well, it's not the worst problem to have... ;o) My blogging plans for the week may have to change though, we'll see how that works out.

In the meantime then, lets take a quick look at some of the books that have made their way to mine over the course of the week (and in a couple of cases a little longer than that, I clearly need to keep a better track of things...) All new books this time round, that's what invariably happens when it's payday and I've had another one of those weeks at work... ;o)

I treated myself to couple of big comic books this week :o) 'Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files Vol. 24' has 'The Pit' collected in it's entirety and I've never read it in it's entirety so I thought I'd have some of that while I was thinking about it. And I've had my eye on the 'Daleks' comic book for a while now and then payday happened and... here I am :o)

I can probably see myself reading the 'Case Files' first but on the other hand, I can equally see myself wanting to read about psychotic aliens blowing shit up. Lets see what this week brings us...

These two beauties have actually been in the pile for a couple of weeks but somehow never got a post of their own. And don't those covers just look amazing? I'm really looking forward to getting to these and I will, just as soon as I read the first book, 'King of the Bastards' (and that'll be soon, fingers crossed).

And last but not least.. A return to the Old World with 'Blackhearts' and another dose of Warhammer Horror with 'Briardark'. I've had my eye on 'Blackhearts' for a long time now (it's the Old World...) and as far as posts go, I'll probably end up breaking it up into the books that are collected inside. Look out for those posts in the near future. And 'Briardark'... That's an easier one to deal with as it looks like just the one book to read. Having said that though, remember when I said I had all those books on the go? Yep, I need to finish those first before 'Briardark' has it's time.

And... That's your lot for the week. Does anything here look like it could be your kind of read? Leave a comment and let me know ;o)


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