'Doctor Who: Timelash' (1985)

I knew I should have probably stayed out CEX yesterday but I didn't and now I'm two 'Doctor Who' DVDs the better off for it. My wallet may not agree but it's not like anyone asked it so... ;o) One abortive attempt at painting 'Age of Sigmar' miniatures (which I'm really hoping will look better in daylight...), last night, and I thought I'd give 'Timelash' a go. Now here's a story that I remember very little about, other than that I wasn't all that impressed back in 1985. One viewing later and... I remember why now, I remember everything. The TARDIS gets caught in the Timelash, a powerful time corridor that brings the Doctor and Peri to the troubled planet of Karfel. The planet is on the brink of war and ruled by an insane and much feared dictator who punishes Karfelions by throwing them into the Timelash. But why is their leader never seen in person? And what links Karfel to 19 th century Scotland? The Doctor arrives just in time...