Books for the TBR Pile... 'Hang on... Where did the Weekend just go? Edition

Apologies for the silence over the weekend... I was in Ipswich for a birthday party and I had my daughters with me as well so... No time for reading at all, let alone blogging! ;o) It was all good fun though, just could have done with a bit more sleep really (serves me right for being cheap and not booking a better hotel room, I'll know better next time). I'll be catching up on that in just a bit but before I do... Lets talk about books, more specifically the books that followed me home over the last week. There were more than a few this time and a good mixture of eBay finds, charity shop finds and just being plain old lucky ;o) And I'll tell you now, some of these looked so good that I've already posted them on Twitter so feel free to scroll past them...

The rule is that it's not a 'Book Haul' post without some Guy N. Smith so have some 'The Unseen', courtesy of eBay. Don't expect a post soon though, I've got several other Guy N. Smith books to read first. 
I love 'The Curse of Fenric' (TV series reviewed Here) and I've somehow gone and lost my my old copy of the novelisation so it was time to head to Amazon and remedy that, which was exactly what I did ;o) Review headed your way... Well, a lot sooner than 'The Unseen' but I don't know exactly when. Lets see...

The first of two pictures with my purchases from the Oxfam bookshop in Ipswich. You should all go there by the way, there is some amazing stuff in there. But anyway... 'The Green Brain' is a nod to a 'semi-resolution' to read a little more 'Frank Herbert' that isn't another entry in the 'Dune' series. 'Honeymoon In Hell'... Well... I've got no idea why I picked this up other than the title (which has to be the least SFF title I've ever seen so I had to pick it up). These are slim reads so I'd like to think that I'll get to these books soon but I've said that before haven't I...? ;o)

I'm always up for some Viking style fantasy these days and Poul Anderson has good form already with 'The Broken Sword' so 'Hrolf Kraki's Saga' looked like a safe bet. This picture is all about 'The Dark Crusade though... I've had a couple of copies of this, over the last twenty years or so, and lost both of them so I've been looking out for this (and other 'Kane' books) ever since. When I saw 'Dark Crusade' nestled on the shelves, it was a real 'stop everything!' moment ;o) I made sure that this book came home with me, worth every penny. I won't be reviewing it though because I already have ;o) Have a click Here if you fancy a read...

Because I had a shitty couple of days last week and wanted something that I knew would make me laugh ;o) Now I just need to find the time to read it...

And look at this beauty... I was lucky enough to receive this, as a review copy, from the lovely people at Hodder. I will definitely be reading it (and sooner rather than later), I just need to read 'Empire of Grass' first (should have read it last year but I got all burnt out and never finished it). Definitely keep an eye open though, I'd love to get to this book over the summer if possible.

And there you have it. Another week, another bookhaul ;o) Anything here catch your eye?


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