'Obi-Wan Kenobi' – Episode Six

This post is a little bit late in the day (even more so considering the Season Finale aired yesterday) but if you'd seen the last couple of days... They weren't too bad actually, just an awful lot of work to fit into not very much day; just like most days actually ;o) I got there in the end though, just one more day until the weekend, so I thought I'd treat myself to a little time away from my monitor and watch the last episode of 'Kenobi'... On my laptop... (you know what I mean though!)

There have been bits of 'Kenobi' that kept me coming back, week after week, but not many moments that had me hurrying back. That was the other reason this post is late, I had to stir myself to watch Episode Six. Watch it I did though and, damn...

For the last time, for this series anyway, I'll warn you that I'm very like to head deep into spoiler territory. I'll also point you at theTor Post for a plot recap. Beware though, that's pretty damn spoilery as well. If you're still here...? Lets go.

Damn and damn again... Talk about saving all the best bits until last. I still have a lot of issues with how the series, as a whole, played out but 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' went out on a high and for a Season Finale, that's all you can ask for really.

There were still bits that had me rolling my eyes though. Well, just the one bit. That Star Destroyer could, and should, have made short work of the refugee cruiser. Kill shots, disabling it or even sending a squadron of TIE fighters after it. Vader had options that he clearly chose to ignore because, well... People suddenly make foolish decisions when plot demands come calling. I get why it's done but it's not a good look.

That's a small quibble though when the rest of the episode is as good as this one. And it is.

I knew that Kenobi would meet Vader and the question here had to be how to make it memorable given that we knew the two characters had to survive for 'A New Hope'. Actually, the same goes for Leia and Luke as well, albeit not as much as the other two.

Well, the good news is that the finale absolutely nails it, giving us a memorable Kenobi/Vader showdown, even though we know that both of them will walk away. There's some neat work done here, both in terms of tying up continuity and giving Kenobi and Vader a little closure. Not a lot but certainly enough for this finale. And the fight, of course, is superb.

Leia takes a bit of a backseat this time round, which is a shame because 'mini Princess Leia' is awesome but makes sense as there's some bits to tie up around Luke and Reva; more Reva really (I don't think that Luke says anything, just runs). This strand of the plot is nowhere near the intensity of Kenobi/Vader but it has it's moments, not least seeing Owen and Beru take a stand. I wasn't surprised, at all, by Reva's ending but when 'Star Wars' is on song, you get swept up in it and don't really mind if you can tell where things are headed. That's where I was with this and it was great.

I've got a monster of a day coming up tomorrow so I'm calling it quits here for tonight. Like I said, 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' isn't the best 'Star Wars' series that I've seen but that finale made up for a hell of a lot. I certainly came away from it buzzing, give it a go if you haven't already.

You can read all my 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' posts over Here.


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