Books for the TBR Pile... 'On Call' Edition

There are a number of IT Releases going in today, at my work, and I'm the lucky person who's on call in the event of a major incident... So I'm sat here, staring at my phone and hoping that it doesn't ring! ;o) In the meantime then, lets take a look at the books that have found their way to my front door this week. Yes, I know I said I wasn't going to buy any more but, well... No, no excuses, lets just look at the books,

It has been ages since I paid the Brockley Bookshop a visit and last week was crazy so I thought I'd treat myself. I used to have a copy of 'The Savage Stars', when I was a kid, so thought I'd try it out again and see if it was the book that I remembered. I've also got a bit of a hankering for 'Predator' and/or 'Alien' books so 'Earth Hive' seemed like a safe bet. Both of these will be read as and when I get a chance, 'Shadow of the Gods' is taking up all my time at the moment...

As per usual, it isn't really a 'Books for the TBR Pile' post if there isn't a Guy N. Smith book in there somewhere. 'Blood Circuit' was available at a decent price so I grabbed it and the collection grows by another book ;o) I really need to start reading the ones that I haven't read yet...
And as you know, I loved 'The Black Veldt' so when I heard mention of 'The Last Rubble King', I had to grab myself a copy of that too. It's only something like sixty pages long so it's very likely I'll read that for a post this week. Actually, 'The Last Rubble King' is a nailed on read for this week, of course it is.

And 'Sock Monkey'... This is another 'Brockley Books' find that caught my eye and came home with me, just because of a cover with a sock monkey and a toy crow playing with a toy boat. Sometimes that's all it takes :o) This is another slim read so I reckon you'll see this sooner rather than later.

And that's it for this week, another small haul but full of (hopefully) good reads. Anything here catch your eye?


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