Books for the TBR Pile... 'Oh, the horror...' Edition

Hi all, how's it going? Slightly misleading film blurb to one side, see my thoughts on 'VFW' , I'm having a pretty good one as it happens. Next week feels pretty ominous (mid-year review, at work, for one thing...) but right now, it's Sunday and all of that stuff can wait for a bit. I've got the kids today and my eldest wants to me to play 'Miitopia' on her DS; I'll give it a shot but I think she's going to be really disappointed... I'm more of a 'Mario Kart' guy myself... Whatever happens, it will be a good one :o) It won't leave me with a lot of time for reading or blogging though, hence the 'books' post at a silly time of the night. Not many books this week (I'm trying to be a little cleverer about my money, payday is a long way off...) but the quality should more than make up for the lack of quantity ;o) Over the last couple of weeks, I've come to realise that I've been focusing on older horror books at th...