Books for the TBR Pile... 'Can You Tell I've Just Been Paid?' Edition...

 I know it's a bit early for me to be posting this (especially after yesterday's post went up really late) but they're forecasting snow here tomorrow and if it happens, I just know that I'll be out in it all day with the kids. I'll get back to the flat and before I know it, it'll be half eleven at night and I'll be rushing to post something! Nope, today is going to be a bit more laid back so you're getting this post now, right now ;o)

So, how's it going? You know that bit in a book where you suddenly know that you're in and will be reading until the very end? Well, that's me and R. J. Barker's 'Call of the Bone Ships' which is brilliant. If you haven't read 'The Bone Ships' then do something about that. If you have but haven't got round to reading 'Call of the Bone Ships' yet, you've got a bit of a treat in store for you. But then you knew that already, didn't you. 'The Bone Ships' was very good...

It's also been a week of buying books because of course it has. It's me we're talking about here and I just got paid the other day, there were always going a few books in the post. Books like...

I told you I'd probably be reading more Terry Pratchett in the near future, didn't I...? Well, this is the first of probably loads to come, replacing a much older copy but still with that gorgeous Josh Kirby cover art that is almost as big a part of the Discworld series as the books themselves. 'Call of the Bone Ships' has all my attention at the moment but you can expect to see a 'Carpe Jugulum' post fairly soon.

I know... It seems like there isn't a week goes by when I don't buy something by Guy N. Smith. That's what happens when I spend large chunks of lockdown stuck in my flat with unfettered access to Amazon and eBay... ;o) What we're looking at here is a book that I've always wanted to try ('The Black Fedora'), a book where I've read the first book and want to see what happens next ('Thirst II: The Plague') and a book that I've never read but it was cheap and I wanted it ('The Phobia'). I've got a couple of reviews to write for 'Throwback' and 'Fiend' but I think we all know that these books will be reviewed sooner rather than later. Let's see...

I missed out on a copy of 'Conan of the Isles', at Deptford Market, and got all sulky about it so rather than be sulky, I just bought a copy off Amazon. Easy and sorted and look at that cover! Clearly drawn by someone who wasn't sure if they really wanted to pass O-Level Art or not... Apparently, it's supposed to be one of the better Sprague de Camp/Carter efforts so I'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out. It will probably start off somewhere in the middle of the overall TBR pile but it's there now, that's the main thing ;o)
'Stiletto' is another entry in the 'Sharpshooter' series which I am very slowly collecting (you'll understand once you see how much these books can go for...!) I'm definitely planning on reading it soon but I've found that these books work best (for me) as a little palette cleanser when I find that I'm reading too much fantasy or horror, you might have to wait a little while before I get round to it. I will though ;o)

And that's me for this week, certainly in terms of being all pleased about what I've managed to find. Now I just need to read them...
Has Amazon, or whatever online bookshop you frequent, been good to you this week? What books have come through your door?


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