Books for the TBR Pile... 'A World Without Giant Crabs?' Edition

 Welcome to the first 'Books for the TBR Pile' post for 2021, a little on the late side admittedly but better late than never and all that :o)

It's not a massive haul because, well... everywhere is shut isn't it? What it is though is a gentle reminder that perhaps I ought to stay offline when I'm laid up in bed with nothing to read. Not that it helped as the post round here isn't in great shape, understandably, and one of these books only arrived today as a result. Still, things could be a lot worse so I'm not going to complain. 

A small haul then but as I've said before, that's the way the hunt goes every now and then. The important thing is that each of these books was exactly what I was after so, lets take a look shall we...?

I love this book, ever since I read it in my first year of high school, and I've had a couple of copies over the years. I had a massive 'Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' movie-watch, spread out over the week after Christmas, and after making my way through all of that, decided that it had been ages since I last read 'Tolkien: A Biography' so it was long past due a re-read. That was all well and good until I realised that my old copy was more than likely in that semi-mythical (by now) box of amazing things that got lost between one house move and another. Well, it wasn't anywhere else...
A quick trip to eBay sorted me out with a 'new' copy. I've just gone and professed my love for this book so I'm not sure if there will be a review or not (probably, just with a caveat that I love this book). One thing is for sure though, it will definitely be read.

So, I've read all the 'Crabs' books now and was wondering what to read next as far as 'reading projects' go. And then it struck me. I may have finished all the 'Crabs' books but Guy N Smith was pretty damn prolific and there are loads that I've either read (and fancy re-reading) or haven't read at all and want to check out. I'm back on the trail again and looking to read as much of Guy N. Smith's horror fiction as I possibly can. I'm looking forward to it.

'Throwback' and 'Fiend' were the result of a trawl through Amazon and looking to see what was fairly affordable (it was the wrong side of payday so had to rein in some of my more reckless spending impulses). I'll be honest, I've read 'Throwback' already so that's looking at being reviewed some time fairly soon. I'm about a hundred pages into 'Fiend' which is as gory as you'd expect as well as an interesting look at how Smith tackles fiction that isn't 'nature gone wrong'. 'Fiend' will be reviewed as well, of course it will.

And that's me as far as new books go. Have you been treating yourself in these messed up times? What did you get?


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