My Favourite Books of 2019

There should be five books in that picture but one has mysteriously vanished and the other is an eBook, what can you do...? And who would want to see a picture of my Kindle anyway? So a couple of days ago I was wondering what happened to Christmas. A blink of an eye later and I'm wondering just where 2019 has gone... I don't know about you but it kind of feels like 2020 can't wait to get started, hopefully it will be a good year for us all; I've got all my fingers crossed for a year that's as good as 2019 has been to me. Because 2019 has been pretty good to me as it happens, I'm in a place that I never thought I would be just a couple of years ago. I won't bore you with you the details but I've got a lot to be thankful for :o) But enough of that. Lets be honest, you're here to find out what my favourite books of 2019 are, aren't you? Of course you are :o) Before I do that though, thanks to everyone who has stopped by the blog since I kic...