My Favourite Books of 2019

There should be five books in that picture but one has mysteriously vanished and the other is an eBook, what can you do...? And who would want to see a picture of my Kindle anyway?

So a couple of days ago I was wondering what happened to Christmas. A blink of an eye later and I'm wondering just where 2019 has gone... I don't know about you but it kind of feels like 2020 can't wait to get started, hopefully it will be a good year for us all; I've got all my fingers crossed for a year that's as good as 2019 has been to me.  Because 2019 has been pretty good to me as it happens, I'm in a place that I never thought I would be just a couple of years ago. I won't bore you with you the details but I've got a lot to be thankful for :o)

But enough of that. Lets be honest, you're here to find out what my favourite books of 2019 are, aren't you? Of course you are :o)
Before I do that though, thanks to everyone who has stopped by the blog since I kicked things off at the end of October. It's still very early days but I'm happy with the way that things have gone, so far, and do appreciate you visiting. I don't know about making New Year's 'Reading Resolutions', that way lies madness (although I've still got a day left to change my mind, which I totally reserve the right to do), but I do plan on reading a whole load more and telling you just what I think of it all. Lets see where 2020 takes us...

But those favourite books of 2019 (and by that I do mean those books that I've read since starting the blog, I can't remember what I read before then)... In no particular order, here are the five that made the biggest impression,

'A Brightness Long Ago' - Guy Gavriel Kay  
Not only the first book I reviewed here but the first book I've ever read by Guy Gavriel Kay. 'A Brightness Long Ago' is a gorgeous read that has ensured that I won't put off reading more of Kay's work. A book that really shows you how things are constantly happening, even when it doesn't look like they are.

'The Bone Ships' - R.J. Barker
A book that I just got lost in, every time I picked it up for a read, and I cannot wait for the sequel. And I have to wait for the sequel. Dammit.
In my review, I said, 'If you haven't read 'The Bone Ships' then, the first thing I'll do is look very disappointed.' That still stands by the way so don't say you weren't warned ;o)

'The Black Hawks' - David Wragg
Because I giggled, like a small child, at all the swearing but the moments of fellowship really touched my hardbitten heart. If you haven't read 'The Black Hawks; yet then you had better have been reading something amazing instead, that's all I can say... ;o)

'Empire of Sand' - Tasha Suri
As a middle aged chap, my fantasy reading is unashamedly Euro-Centric so I was left feeling more than a little embarassed that my first tentative step outside my comfort zone (in a long time) led me to a book that caught me in it's world and refused to let go until I was done. And yes, I haven't forgotten that I've got 'Realm of Ash' waiting to be read believe me :o)

'Clickers II: The Next Wave' - J.F. Gonzalez & Brian Keene
I just had to include a 'Clickers' book and 'Clickers II' was my favourite book out of the bunch. There's also the fact that I compared it to 'The Empire Strikes Back' and that meant there was absolutely no chance of it not making the list.

So there you go, my five favourite books ;o) If you happen to find yourself in the vicinity of any of these books, you could do a lot worse than pick them up for a read. Next year, I'll aim for ten favourite books.

Well, that's me for this year. I'll see you on the other side, have a great last day of 2019!


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