Books for the TBR Pile... 'Probably the last post for a little while' Edition

Like the title says, this will probably be the last post for a while. Tomorrow, I'm off to hospital for a spot of surgery; nothing serious (it just really, really needs to be done) but it's going to take a couple of weeks off work to get over and I'll don't think I'll be in any mood to blog during that time. I'm sure I'll pop my head round the door on Bluesky, I'll just be reading books rather than writing about them ;o) And I've got loads to keep me going, including the following ones that I've picked up over the last week... I read the original Frank Herbert books, years ago, and never felt the urge to go back, let alone read the ones written by his son and Kevin J. Anderson (are they any good?), even though I still have a couple lurking on my shelves. That was until I saw this copy of 'Dune Messiah' on the shelf in Greenwich Oxfam and the cover not only really caught my eye but also gave me no option but to buy it. I should read 'D...