Books for the TBR Pile... 'This is what happens when I have Annual Leave without my kids' Edition
Yep, I've had four days of annual leave and it has been lovely :o) Well, apart from my ex's cat holding a bit of a grudge from the last time I looked after it. To be fair, the poor thing did end up sedated by the vet and had its front legs shaved, all for what turned out to be a big misunderstanding on my part but even so... You would have thought she'd have gotten over it by now but apparently not :o( Anyway... I've had four days off work with no-one to please but myself and you know what that means... Yep, my good intentions of 'no book buying' ended up trampled in the rush for me to buy even more new(ish) books. Dammit. At least I've been going down the second hand route, that's something I guess. Anyway, lets take a look shall we? I had to get rid of my 'Otherland' books, years ago, and always regretted it. I managed to find the first two books a while ago but somehow never got round to buying 'Mountain of Black Glass' and 'Sea of