The Easiest TBR Pile (Probably, fingers crossed...)

I really need to stop promising myself that I'll get some reading done whenever Saturday comes round... This time round, I spent my Saturday either sleeping off the last of what the hospital dosed me with or being in no state to do anything other than watch movies of varying quality. I'll tell you all about those another time. So, pretty much like any other Saturday then ;o)

Where does that leave us today then? Especially as I've been really good this week and not bought any new books at all? I know, I was pretty impressed as well (seriously, I can't remember the last time I went a whole week without buying a book) but I couldn't even do a 'Look what I've got!' post. And so... 'The Easiest TBR Pile' post was born ;o)

Christmas isn't all that far away now, which means that 2025 is nonchalantly wandering closer, trying to look all innocent and unassuming. I've developed a habit, recently, of leaving certain books half finished and moving on to whatever catches my eye; which is cool but i would like to finish at least a couple of them before the year ends. Luckily there are only three on the pile, lets take a look at them...

'The Hunters' - David Wragg (108 pages read out of 372)
'Into the Narrowdark' - Tad Williams (193 pages read out of 557)
'The Last Shield' - Cameron Johnston (88 pages read out of 360)

I can just about balance my bank account, please don't ask me to calculate those numbers as percentages. Although if anyone wants to, I won't stop you ;o)

There you have it; three very good books that (for whatever reason) have been put aside for other reads. I'll be honest, 'The Hunters' and 'The Last Shield' are the slimmer reads so I'll be tackling those first. I do have a plan for 'Into the Narrowdark' though, a forthcoming hospital trip followed by a short period of sick leave will be all the time I need to finally finish this one :o)

Have you read any of these books? If you have, let me know what you thought of them.


  1. I'm waiting until ALL the Williams books come out and then I'll re-read MST and move onto Last King series. So maybe I'll get around to it starting in '25? If things go well :-D

    1. That would be an amazing re-read/read. It will be Otherland for me next year, I want to see the Wicked Tribe again ;o)


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