Movie Night! 'Back to Work' Edition...

By the time you read this, I'll be knee deep in emails and 'catch-up' calls; that'll teach me to take a few days off... To be fair, I needed the time and, evil cat to one side, it was time well spent. Time for one last push before Christmas ;o)

In the meantime... I rounded off my little break with a couple of movies that I'd planned on watching and one that I'd been meaning to show my daughters for a long time. It's pretty easy to guess which ones are which ;o)

'Airplane!' (1980)

I needed a few laughs and my two daughters (just back from a week away and absolutely knackered) definitely needed a few laughs so... 'Airplane!' was the logical choice, especially as they've already seen 'The Naked Gun'. I'm not going to go into it too much here, we've all seen the movie. If you haven't then really, really, consider doing something about that very soon. Me and my kids got exactly the number of laughs that I was looking for, job done :o) The jokes are hit and miss (and a little dated here and there) but there are so many that it doesn't matter. Don't like one joke, give it a second and another one will be along. Like I said, job done ;o) There is never a bad time to watch 'Airplane!' and yesterday afternoon was another great time to give it a watch.

'Humane' (2024)

In the wake of an environmental collapse that is forcing humanity to shed 20% of the world's population, a family dinner erupts into chaos when a father's plan to enlist in the governments voluntary euthanasia program goes horribly wrong... 

Parents, eh...? You go along to their dinner and the next thing you know, you're being forced to choose which one of you and your siblings should take your step-mum's place. I'm making light of what's actually a very tense and gripping film, one that makes you ask all the right questions while forcing you to take sides from a group of people who are all scumbags to one degree or another. And I loved the ending as well; it kind of caught me out but realistically, it was the only way it could have gone. 'Humane' is cheap on Prime right now and is definitely worth a watch.

'Imaginary' (2024)

A woman returns to her childhood home to find that the imaginary friend she left behind is very real and unhappy that she abandoned him...

For the record, I've never had an imaginary friend myself but I'm always up for seeing what they get up to in movies, plenty of scope to wreak havoc and all that :o) I'll be honest, a couple of early creepy moments to one side, 'Imaginary' took its own sweet time getting going, a little too casual with its pacing for me. I stuck with 'Imaginary' though (because seriously, it's a creepy teddy bear, that's a couple of boxes easily ticked for me) and it was worth it in the end with some weird 'parallel dimension' scenes, that were great, and a twist that I should have seen coming but totally got me. There's a lot of filler to work through before that though. I'll probably give it another watch, with my eldest daughter, but after that, I can't see myself going back.

And that's your lot, movie-wise. What did you watch over Halloween?


  1. Leading up to Halloween I rewatched Night of the Living Dead and Return of the Living Dead, which made for an interesting double feature. Next was a rewatch of Trick 'r Treat. Then on Halloween I re-watched John Carpenter's Halloween.

    1. That is a solid lineup for Halloween, I might have to steal it next year ;o)


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