'Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol' (1988)

After a particularly heavy week, it's finally annual leave time. Go me! :o) Most of the week is going on keeping the kids entertained so I'm not too sure what the blog will look like over the next few days. Lets see, shall we...? In the meantime, today saw the kids at Dover Castle (with friends) so after a half successful attempt at sleeping in, thanks downstairs neighbour, I thought I'd catch up on a little 'Doctor Who'. I've still got a few that I haven't watched, yet, but I thought I'd finish off the 'Ace Adventures' box set and watch 'The Happiness Patrol'... On the planet Terra Alpha, bright fluorescent lights and garish candy striped colours abound. The population constantly display happy smiles. There's no sadness on Terra Alpha. Anyone feelng remoely glum disappears and quickly. Having heard disturbing rumours, the Doctor and Ace arrive to topple the entire regime overnight. But they haven't reckoned on the varied punit...