Books for the TBR Pile... 'Books, I've bought a few...' Edition.

I always look forward to the Hilly Fields Fair, even more so this year after last year's event had to be cancelled, it's a lot of fun with loads to do for pretty much anyone who goes. Little mini petting zoo, dog show, fairground rides, you name it really. For me, most of the fun lies in... you guessed it, rooting through the bric-a-brac stalls and seeing if there are books that catch my eye ;o)
And it turned out that this time round, there were more than a few books that caught my eye. I don't know if it was just luck of the draw or if everyone was having a big ol' clearout after the last year and a bit; either way, I did very well out of it thank you very much :o) Let me show you...

I have 'The Silmarillion' and 'The Two Towers' already but these books were only 30p each and the covers look lovely, I couldn't say no :o) I've never read (or owned) 'Roverandom' though so it had to come home with me, no question about it. I might read it to my kids and see what they make of it (they both love the 'Hobbit' and 'Lord of the Rings' movies so it will be interesting to try them out on something a little different).

More '30p bargains' ;o) This time, we're going back into the 'Horus Heresy' with possibly the most battered copy of 'Vengeful Spirit' that I've ever seen (seriously, the back cover is barely hanging on...) and the anthology collection 'Legacies of Betrayal'. I've given up trying to read this series in order (and it's not like we don't already have a rough idea of the overall plot anyway) so watch me read 'Vengeful Spirit' three months after reading 'Wolfsbane'...

I'd been thinking that I should post some more about comic books and as if by magic, I found a whole load of trades for a pound each :o) The 'Eternals' collection looks like it could be useful in giving me some background before the movie comes out while 'Days of Future Present' just looks awesome as it is. To be reviewed soon, hopefully... Fingers crossed... 

'Doctor Who' comic books, not a lot more you can say than that really (although comics are an area of 'Doctor Who' that I haven't been near in a long ol' time, it might be interesting to see how the setting translates). You'll probably see posts on these sooner than the other comics as they're fairly slim reads and I'm all about quick reads at the moment (says the guy about to start reading 'The God Is Not Willing').

I love this book but it also depresses the hell out of me so I haven't had a copy for a while now. Until I saw this copy on sale for a pound and thought to myself, 'you may as well...' ;o)
It still depresses the hell out of me but I'm going to give it another shot anyway. Wish me luck...

And that is very much that for this week. I think there is some good reading here, are there any that you'd like me to tackle first? Leave a comment and let me know.


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