Some quick thoughts on a couple of Robert McCammon short stories...

So yesterday was rather shitty. Nothing major and certainly nothing that can be easily sorted but nevertheless, particularly soul-destroying to be caught in the middle of and have to work your way through. It happens and I'm really hoping that today will do me a favour and just be full of good stuff instead. There wasn't a lot of time for reading by the time I made it home last night but luckily for me, I have a habit of leaving books lying around and forgetting they are there. Given the size of my flat (not particularly large, if you were wondering...) this is harder to do than you'd think but I somehow manage all the same and last night, I found a copy of Robert McCammon's 'Blue World' that I totally forgot was there. This was a timely find as 'Blue World' has some great short stories and I was in the mood for something familiar. It's also a great time of year to read great horror fiction so off I went... From the battlefields of a Vietnam veter...