More Books for the TBR Pile! 'Bloody Hell, Build-A-Bear...' Edition

Today, in an event that I totally saw coming, I somehow managed to spend more on 'Build-A-Bear' clothes, for my youngest daughter's bear, than I've probably spent on clothes for myself in the last year... How did that happen? Well, I'm a total soft touch and I'm also a bit of an idiot for mentioning that payday was almost here. My youngest daughter put these two facts together and totally took advantage... ;o) It's not the worst thing in the world, she's really happy and her bear looks quite sweet to be fair, but it's going to be a long time before I let her go anywhere near a 'Build-A-Bear' store...

Now, how do I link that to me buying more books and showing them off here...? Erm... To be honest, I don't think I can. It's been a long day and my gout has been playing up like a bastard (middle-aged blogger ahoy!), lets just say that the monster book hunt I went on, the other day, had a couple of final surprises for me when I went back into Greenwich yesterday for a look in the Oxfam Bookshop, it's a shop that's been good to me in the past and didn't let me down yesterday...

I normally shy away from the 'Deadpool Classics' books as I really don't want to fall down the 'backstory rabbithole' (again), I try and look forwards instead and let Wikipedia fill in the gaps ;o) This was cheap though, and it's got the Hulk in it too, so I couldn't say no really. Work is looking at getting back in the office fairly soon and I reckon this could be a good 'commute read', we'll see.

'The Long Halloween' is another example of me gradually replacing all the comic books that I had to sell a few years ago. For all I know, this copy could be the one that I sold... Very unlikely but wouldn't it be cool if it was? Either way, another decent 'commute read' that will help me to forget that you just can't social distance on a bus...

You know that feeling you get when you've picked up a couple of cool looking comic books but you know that you really need one more book to make your shopping 'complete'? It may well be just me who feels like that but either way, sometimes you end up with 'The Ghosts of Sleath', a book that I haven't read in years and one that I think will make for a decent October read. You know, Halloween and all that ;o) Look for a review around then.

And that's my book buying for this week. I'd like to think that I'll settle down and actually read some of these books before Christmas but... the hunt will continue... ;o)


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