'Dreams of Unity' – Nick Kyme (Black Library)

Sometimes, it feels like the more Warhammer 40K fiction I read, the more I want to side with Horus and march on Terra myself. I've said this before but I wouldn't expect anyone to scroll back through a couple of weeks of posts so... The Emperor wasn't the best at his job, was he? Alienating his greatest general, being omnipotent but apparently not omnipotent enough to see what was coming and actually do something about it, the list goes on... One of the Emperor's biggest cock ups though has to be the whole debacle with the Thunder Warriors, proto-space marines used in the earth conquering Wars of Unity and then gunned down by their own side because... they weren't quite what the Emperor needed to take the fight to the stars? Because they weren't built to last? Really? Just imagine how things could have gone if the Emperor had thought to himself, 'why don't I take a little more time and get these Thunder Warriors just right ? Then I can conquer th...