On The Horizon... 'Northern Wrath' - Thilde Kold Holdt (Rebellion)

What would I do without my Amazon wish list...? Well, more than likely run up a massive overdraft (easily done, trust me...) buying loads of stuff books that I 'absolutely have to have'. I've been there before and one day, I may finally pay it all off...
Nope, it's far easier to have a wish list where I can leave things for a few days and see if I still want them once the 'new book excitement' has cooled down. I'll be honest, of course I still want the new book but I do get to feel a little pleased with myself for holding out a couple of extra days. It's almost like I've got the hang of being an adult (I did say almost)...

The other great thing about my wishlist is that it has been known to give me a little inspiration for posting about cool books that are on the horizon. Books like 'Northern Wrath' by Thilde Kold Holdt for example. Check it out...

A dead man, walking between the worlds, foresees the end of the gods. A survivor searching for a weapon releases a demon from fiery Muspelheim. A village is slaughtered by Christians, and revenge must be taken.

The bonds between the gods and Midgard are weakening. It is up to Hilda, Ragnar, their tribesmen Einer and Finn, the chief's wife Siv and Tyra, her adopted daughter, to fight to save the old ways from dying out, and to save their gods in the process.

I've wanted some Viking reading for ages but didn't have a clue where to start. And then, just as I was about to give up, along comes 'Northern Wrath' with it's gorgeous cover, looking all gorgeous, and intriguing blurb. I think this could well be the book that I've been after. 

'Northern Wrath' won't be available to buy until the 29th of October but I have already booked a little time in November to settle down for a read. I've got a good feeling about this book (admittedly based on the fact that I want to read something with Vikings in it but it's still a good feeling). Is it a book that you'll be picking up...?


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