'Night of the Living Dead: Darkest Dawn' (2015)
when I said I'd watch anything with zombies in it? Yep, it's another
one of those posts...
saw me feeling like one of the living dead (after a couple of
celebratory G&T's the night
before) and trying to get work done all at the same time. If that
wasn't enough, I was also trying to homeschool the youngest one again
and that never goes well. I'm not going to lie to you, I got
precisely no reading done yesterday and that's what eventually lead
me to Prime Video, to see what random zombie movies I could find...
actually had half an eye on 'Darkest Dawn' for a while, I just
haven't found it on DVD (for some reason, all my zombie movies have
to be on DVD). I haven't really seen many animated zombie movies
(although 'Seoul Station' wasn't bad) so that piqued my interest,
even if it looked to be a re-telling of 'Night of the Living Dead'
(which it totally is but more on that in a bit...) £3.49 later and I
was away on my first ever 'zombie cartoon'. And it was, well, erm...
is the bit where I'd normally throw in some copy and pasted blurb, to
get things moving, but there's no point here. If you've seen 'Night
of the Living Dead', or have any kind of passing familiarity with the
plot, then 'Darkest Dawn' is basically a rehash of that except it's
set in Manhattan (I think). Same characters and, without giving too
much away, the same deaths for most of them. 'Darkest Dawn' does a
few things slightly differently and it's kind of cool to see bits
from the original film appear in a slightly different way here. I'm
thinking about the bit where they refuel the truck...
other times though, 'Darkest Dawn' follows 'Night' a little too
closely if you know what I mean. It's at those times that you can't
help but wonder why they didn't just do an animation of the original
movie, farmhouse and all. Not a great way to be when you're trying to
get into the spirit of a zombie movie. I mean, it does wonders for
the story (riffing off a masterpiece) but it holds the story back
from doing it's own thing and there are so many other things you can
do with a zombie movie.
leads me to the animation. There's a lot to be said for the
atmosphere of the piece, everything is appropriately dark and
brooding with blood splashed about fairly artistically, and
liberally. When it gets close up though... The zombies aren't too bad
but the whole thing has the feel of the intro to a PS3 game, even a
PS2 game when things get really bad. The animation just feels a lot
older than it should do for 2015; fair play for getting Tony Todd,
Joseph Pilato and Tom Sizemore in on it (they are all as good as you
would expect) but if you've got them doing the voice work, at least
try and make their mouths move in time. Great atmosphere then but the
detail lets it down.
glad I gave 'Darkest Dawn' a go but part of me does feel a little let
down by the low budget approach to the animation and the over
reliance on the source material. Not a bad way to spend an hour (it
was only an hour...) but not one I'll revisit unless it turns up in a
bargain bin somewhere...
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