Books in the Post! 'Mostly Old School, Kind Of...' Edition

So there I was, thinking that Lockdown would save me money... Ok, I'm not spending quite so much money on Banh Mi's but my book and DVD spending has just shot up over the last couple of months. And I've suddenly found myself with a subscription to Shudder, not quite sure how that happened (of course I am, that'll teach me to pay more attention to free trials...) 

I clearly need to be reading a lot faster then but in the meantime... Here's some of the books that have arrived, at mine, over the last couple of days (and a couple of DVDs as well). The common theme, for the books anyway, is 'Replacing books that I had to sell/lost etc during a very bad patch about three years ago'. I'm 'on the up' now, it's all good :o)

First of all, huge thanks to @breakfastruins (owner of the rather awesome 'Breakfast In The Ruins' Podcast) for giving a me a copy of 'Wizardy and Wild Romance' to replace the one that I had to sell. It goes without saying that I won't be selling this one (I'll be reading it and posting my thoughts once I've got my head round Moorcock's thoughts). 
'Lords and Ladies' was one of those purchases where you're watching 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', on Youtube, and think to yourself, 'I really need to read 'Lords and Ladies' again...' Then you realise that your copy is now your ex's copy and you really want a copy to call your own and one Amazon order later...
'The Legend of Deathwalker'... I'm having trouble settling on one book and I thought a comfort re-read might be in order. The 'Drenai' books are massive comfort reads for me, I'm reading 'The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend' at the moment but I'll be picking this one up very soon I think.

As seems to be the way with me, I'm reading these books totally out of order (I started with Volume 3...) but I'm not going to worry about that, just enjoy the short stories in front of me. Not much more to say than that really other than that I'd be very surprised if you didn't see a review in the next week or two. I'll let you know how it goes.

And the DVDs... 'Dead Air' is one that I'd been meaning to watch for a while now (and it turned up cheap via Music Magpie) and as for 'Anna and the Apocalypse'... Who wouldn't want to watch a zombie musical? It all depends on whether the zombies are allowed to sing as well. We'll see...

Talking of which, I'll be watching 'Anna and the Apocalypse' just as soon as I hit 'Publish' for this post. Any of these books (or DVDs) take your fancy?


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