'Grendel' - John Gardner (Gollancz)

Today looks like it's going to be a tough one with the flat being inspected while I'm trying to get my monthly report done at the same time. At least it's Friday though, right...? ;o) Because of this, I've got nothing for the blog today. Well, apart from an old review of John Gardner's 'Grendel' that is ;o) If you want the full thing then have a click Here . If not, don't worry, all the important bits are below. Normal service should resume tomorrow (fingers crossed) but for now... The original story of 'Beowulf' is one that everyone knows, even if (like me) they have never read it. It is a story whose influence you will find in any number of fantasy books; you know, the whole ‘hero saves a helpless village from the monster that preys on it’ kind of thing. I don’t think I’ve ever come across a story that attempts to retell the ‘Beowulf’ tale from Grendels perspective though. This is possibly because Gardner has already done it so well but also be...