‘Session 9: The Official Novelization’ – Christian Francis (Echo Horror Publications)

Page Count: 216 Pages

Before we get started, I’m going to come right out and say that if I had to make a list of my favourite horror movies, ‘Session 9’ would be right up there with its ‘creepy asylum vibe’ building up to a reveal that blew me away when I first saw it and everything came together. Obviously, everyone’s mileage will vary but that’s where I am with this film :o) So when I saw that there was a novelization, of course I ordered myself a copy and of course I got into it over Christmas.

Hopefully it’s clear then that I’m a fan and I bought all of that to the book as I opened it and got reading. That’s a double edged sword though, isn’t it? You know what I mean, you can be over the moon that there’s a ‘book of the film’ but that’s a lot of expectation to bring. Luckily, ‘Session 9’ lived up to the standards set by the film, and a little extra as well.

When a hazardous materials team is tasked with clearing out the crumbling ruins of the Danvers State Hospital, they uncover far more than asbestos. Inside the decaying walls of the abandoned asylum lies a darkness, turning the mind’s deepest fears into terrifying reality, from which there may be no escape.

Once I started reading ‘Session 9’, I couldn’t put it down until I’d finished. I know that’s a trite thing to say but in this case, it was the truth. Francis captures the essence of the movie perfectly, from the foreboding structure of the Danvers Asylum to the hopes and fears of the men tasked with making it safe. I knew how it was going to end but still, I couldn’t help but be drawn along as Francis lets events unfold and run their course.

If that was all you got here, that would have been more than enough for me. Like I said, I knew where the book was headed and I was still being creeped out in the meantime. Francis takes the book to the next level though, expanding on certain existing points as well as giving us brand new passages where we get fresh insight into what led evil to take root in the asylum right at the start. If you haven’t seen the film, I’ll guarantee that you can’t tell which bits are ‘film’ and which are delivered by Francis, that’s how well he does here.

It’s a shorter post than normal but I’m going to wrap it up here before it ends up with my going round in circles about how much I enjoyed the book. I really did though and if you enjoyed the film, you really should pick the book up if you haven’t already.


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